A propos of nothing in particular, here’s a digest of some April news regarding food ‘n farming. I post not to make any particular point, except, perhaps, that there aren’t too many hard-‘n-fast points to be made in this area (or, better, arena, since everywhere you turn in this debate someone’s ready to stick a pitchfork in your ass). There’s a lotta folks from along the political, sociocultural, and planting spectrum who seem fixated on  solutions that arise from ideologically-fixated positions, from biotech-will-solve-all-our-food-problems to only-100%-organic-locally-sourced will do, but man, if there’s one area where we need a lot less ideology and a lot more pragmatism, it’s in feeding ourselves. Me, I tend not to be overly religious about these matters–I don’t oppose GMOs on principle, I’m no wussy vegan, and I love the olive oil that comes from halfway around the world. But even I know that our current practices are currently unsustainable for more reasons than I’ll bother enumerating here–and that our current system of livestock production is a bloody goddamned disgrace. That’s enough for me to support a wholesale agricultural revolution

If anything, a cursory review  

Continue reading Oh, Just Shut Up and Eat: Recent News from the Food ‘n Farm Front

Dear Representative Story,

Don’t you understand that  gambling brought down the world economy back in 2008?  Gambling is a form of inebriation.  The police tell us in ads on TV and on billboards not to let our friends drive drunk.  Why the heck should we then let the whole society drive drunk by basing our resources to fund government on gambling?

Continue reading Casinos and Lotteries Are a Fraudulent Way to Run a Society