Or so I’ve been hearing listening to “debate” on healthcare insurance reform for the last seven hours. And so the right would have ya believe. As the roll call for the health insurance reform bill approaches,there are actual Congresspeople standing on the floor ranting about stalinism. Never mind that the damn bill doesn’t even include a public option. Meanwhile, the far left would have you believe that this pretense of reform is nothing but a major handout to private insurance companies–and neglects to mention the dozens of actual benefits the bill provides.

It wasn’t what anybody wanted. But to my mind, the first element in any definition of democracy is that no one gets what they want. You go in with a swagger, you bluff and deal, and when the rubbers hits the road, you grit your teeth, make the deal, and you hope you’ve helped people just a little bit. You don’t get what ya want, ever, but if ya try sometimes, then, yeah, maybe ya get what ya need.  Here and there, anyway.

This isn’t a bad bill.

Continue reading A Spectre is Haunting America… the Spectre of Communism

Coming from the Financial Times, this seems to be quite an important, well, admission. Jeremy Rifkin lays out an interesting case that our civilization is on its deathbed, on life support, and that revolutions in both technology and consciousness are necessary for our resuscitation.

I think he fails to recognize — or at least include in his analysis — the paradigm shift that will define our species’ salvation, which is, in my opinion, a shift away from economic growth and towards a steady-state ecologically-grounded economy. The biosphere consciousness that he talks about will necessitate this. This is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism, and I wonder if his new book dances with this and this Financial Times article simply side-steps it.

What’s YOUR take?

Jeremy Rifkin (Financial Times)

Towards The Empathic Civilization. We Are On the Verge of a Shift to Biosphere Consciousness

The global economy has shattered. The fossil fuels that propelled an industrial revolution are running out and the infrastructure built with these energies is barely clinging to life. Worse, more than two centuries of rising carbon emissions now threaten us with catastrophic climate change.

Continue reading Towards The Empathic Civilization

Tonight I sat down and watched the second half of the Northern Iowa-Kansas upset. Thrilling stuff. Reminded me again why I watch the tournament each year. What else could reduce a grown man to screaming and convulsing over two college teams that aren’t even Big East? Nothing like it.

Seven years ago I was watching the tournament when I heard the news. After all the strutting and swaggering at the joke that is the UN; after the Colin Powells and Dominique de Villepins had exited stage left; after our impotent howls in the press and in the streets, and after all the lies, the sewer-stream of filthy goddamned lies from the throne, the endless droning repetition of lies by CNN and The New York Times, after more bullshit than I’ve ever seen in my life–there was the President, live from the Oval Office, telling me that he’d just bombed Baghdad. I don’t remember what game I was watching. I know that I turned it off and walked outside, smoked a cigarette or two, and thought: we failed.

Continue reading “Gimme an `F’,” said Country Joe–“I want ya to start singin’!”