A few thoughts on the essay by Jason at Open Media Boston on Jill Stein’s and Grace Ross’s quite different campaigns for governor:

  It’s not a question of either going for the gold – quixotically or not – in a statewide race or letting dozens of flowers bloom in local and state legislative races. An exemplary candidate like Jill Stein (I’m biased) running as standard-bearer of the Green-Rainbow Party can inspire people to run for lesser offices throughout the Commonwealth as GRP candidates. For one thing, she can appear at their campaign functions, helping both her own candidacy and theirs. If citizens show up out of mere curiosity or out of concern for the their future, if they catch the bug and act accordingly they expand a constricted field.  

Continue reading Not either/or

Jason at Open Media Boston provides a lengthy response to the question, “Are Grace Ross and Jill Stein Jumping the Political Gun?” I don’t concur with all of his conclusions, but I would call his editorial exemplary journalism. Hmmm–if some of the best coverage in MA springs from alternative sources (low budget, but smart, sophisticated, and dedicated) … why shouldn’t some of the best campaigns?

I’m interested in how you feel about his take, but I’d urge you to please post comments at Open Media as well–they opened this dialogue and deserve your input (and there’s not a story on there that isn’t worth reading).  

Continue reading Link: Worthwhile Take on the Stein and Ross Campaigns at Open Media Boston