Now, Paul Krugman still feels the House Bill is better than nothing–I know that not everyone agrees. But still, more evidence of The Flood of Dissatisfaction on Krugman’s NYT Blog. Glad to hear him say, ““But I have to say, I’m pretty close to giving up on Mr. Obama, who seems determined to confirm every doubt I and others ever had about whether he was ready to fight for what his supporters believed in.”

Continue reading Et Tu, Paul? Krugman on Obama & Healthcare–“He Wasn’t The One We’ve Been Waiting For”

Springfield == The Alliance to Develop Power (ADP) is the first community organization in the state to call upon United States Senator-Elect Scott Brown to follow up on his promise of creating a “big tent” by working collaboratively with those that are hurting the most in the economic crisis — especially low-income people and the unemployed, African-Americans, immigrants, and those living in distressed communities.  

ADP members are calling upon Senator-Elect Brown to stand up for all families in Massachusetts by supporting Just and Humane Immigration Reform that includes a path to citizenship, an Emergency Public Jobs program to help rebuild Massachusetts’ battered economy by creating living wage jobs, and enacting stricter banking regulations to ensure that the needs of people are put before the bankers that caused this crisis.     ADP is the first grassroots organization to move beyond partisan politics by calling on Senator-Elect Brown to support a comprehensive package that will create a just and equitable economy that works for all families.

Who: Alliance to Develop Power / ADP

What: Press Conference

Where: ADP Headquarters, 130 Union Street, Springfield, MA

When: Friday, January 22nd, 2010, 12 noon to 12:30pm

Continue reading Time to Follow Thru on Your “Big Tent” Promises Senator Elect Brown

Springfield == The Alliance to Develop Power (ADP) is the first community organization in the state to call upon United States Senator-Elect Scott Brown to follow up on his promise of creating a “big tent” by working collaboratively with those that are hurting the most in the economic crisis — especially low-income people and the unemployed, African-Americans, immigrants, and those living in distressed communities.  

ADP members are calling upon Senator-Elect Brown to stand up for all families in Massachusetts by supporting Just and Humane Immigration Reform that includes a path to citizenship, an Emergency Public Jobs program to help rebuild Massachusetts’ battered economy by creating living wage jobs, and enacting stricter banking regulations to ensure that the needs of people are put before the bankers that caused this crisis.     ADP is the first grassroots organization to move beyond partisan politics by calling on Senator-Elect Brown to support a comprehensive package that will create a just and equitable economy that works for all families.

Continue reading Alliance to Develop Power “Big Tent” Press Conference, January 22nd

Springfield == The Alliance to Develop Power (ADP) is the first community organization in the state to call upon United States Senator-Elect Scott Brown to follow up on his promise of creating a “big tent” by working collaboratively with those that are hurting the most in the economic crisis — especially low-income people and the unemployed, African-Americans, immigrants, and those living in distressed communities.  

ADP members are calling upon Senator-Elect Brown to stand up for all families in Massachusetts by supporting Just and Humane Immigration Reform that includes a path to citizenship, an Emergency Public Jobs program to help rebuild Massachusetts’ battered economy by creating living wage jobs, and enacting stricter banking regulations to ensure that the needs of people are put before the bankers that caused this crisis.     ADP is the first grassroots organization to move beyond partisan politics by calling on Senator-Elect Brown to support a comprehensive package that will create a just and equitable economy that works for all families.

Continue reading Alliance to Develop Power “Big Tent” Press Conference, January 22nd, 2010

The following is a press release from the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts, 21 January 2010


With the surprise victory of Scott Brown over Martha Coakley in Tuesday’s special Senate election, the conventional wisdom regarding the dominance of the Democratic Party in Obama-era Massachusetts has been shattered.  But in the scramble to understand what the voters said on Tuesday a fundamental lesson is being missed. This was a revolt of progressives against a hijacked Democratic Party – not a sudden conversion of Ted Kennedy supporters to Republican ranks.  

Continue reading GRP: “Brown Victory Represents New Power of Break-Away Progressives, Not a Republican Surge”

By now you have probably heard about the recent Supreme Court ruling that frees corporations to spend unlimited amounts on independent efforts to support political candidates.

An already tattered and ineffective campaign finance system just got worse.  People with any sense of the problem corporations pose to the existence of a basic democratic order are outraged.

Two efforts to amend the Constitution to limit corporate “rights” have already popped up, Free Speech for People and Move to Amend.  Both are extremely crucial starting points, but is it enough?

Continue reading Corporations versus Democracy

Weeks like this are hog heaven for political junkies, and a downright paradise for the punditocrary, who’ll get at least two weeks’ paychecks for spinning out the endless whys and hows of the decline and fall we witnessed tonight. No reason we can’t play at What It All Means.

Me, … I’m not sure. And we’ve doubtless all drawn different lessons. My guess is that they all have some value as Greens switch into election gear, and I’m interested in what conclusions you’ve drawn.

I don’t yet have a cogent argument to advance, so consider these ramblings and an invitation to a response.

What’s the Matter With Kans–err, Massachusetts?

The election was a mandate…

Continue reading Mr. Brown Goes to Washington