It’s fun to run for the top office. But what the Green Rainbow coalition needs is actual office holders in the General Court.

Making the Republican party in the Legislature Massachusetts the 3rd Party would be a real political change, not the Green-Rainbow grand-standing that would result in a split center-left vote for Governor, that likely would bring yet another Republican governor into office, a result inimical to the Green Rainbow coalition.

The Green Rainbow coalition is capable of having more people representing districts in the legislature than the Republican Party. If I have it correctly, the House has a mere 19 Republicans of 160 seats (11.9%), and of the 40 Senate districts, there are a mere 5 Republicans (12.5%).  The Democrats could use a little complacency reduction, and competition; it’s ripe for a little splitting up.

Continue reading Stein’s wrong-headed statewide aspirations

I’ve never actually made a New Year’s Resolution. Those resolutions I have made only had a habit of fluttering out of bar-room windows on ensuing Saturday nights during that magical time between midnight and three in the morning when indulgences can be purchased for the price of a beer, a wink, or a basket of wings. And most resolutions are woefully narcissistic anyway: I’ll quit smoking, I’ll lose the spare tire, and, per the Commandments, I’ll do my darnedest to stop coveting my neighbor’s goods, wife, and ass. But by and large, I’ve never really been much interested in a New, Improved Me. And at my age, I’m basically a greased pig doing 180s on the frozen downward slope to the grave anyway.

But I am very interested indeed in a new, improved state, country, and globe, because-despite the rose-tinted images that trawled across your TV screen on New Year’s Eve-we’re rapidly turning all three into godforsaken shitholes….

Continue reading Happy Green Year: Be It Resolved…