Green Mass Group Posting Policy

Green Mass Group exists in part because the political discourse has been so badly damaged by manipulative forces who gain by divide-and-conquer techniques. We want to honor everyone’s contribution to the political conversation, so we ask that you avoid personal insult, and treat each other with respect. The internet represents a wonderfully democratizing technology, but it has also emboldened people to behave anti-socially. Our basic goal is to create an online community (ie, create a pleasurable and nurturing environment for our readers) for Green dialogue in Massachusetts. Please follow these basic rules:

  • Users can post on a wide variety of topics with a wide variety of styles.
  • All posts will be publicly available through a “Recent Diaries” sidebox.
  • GMG editors can promote to the front page any post they deem worthy of promotion.
  • GMG editors can remove any post from the site that violates GMG editorial policy.
  • GMG editors can delete any user account from the site who has violated GMG editorial policy repeatedly.
  • Re-posting of copyrighted material will be removed from the site upon request by the copyright holder. Please seek permission where possible. Please attribute quotes and provide links to original sources.
  • GMG editors can remove suspicious or fraudulent links at their discretion.
  • Users are encouraged to provide background information about themselves in their profiles.
  • GMG will never disclose identifying information, including your contact information, without your permission.
  • Users must disclose information about any vested interest in the content of their posts.
  • Users may not post external links for commercial/business purposes.
  • All registered users can comment on any post. There will be no anonymous comments.
  • All registered users can participate in online polls. 
  • Treat others as you would want to be treated, or at least as you would treat them if you were talking to them face-to-face
  • Hate speech will not be tolerated
  • Users will be warned for disrespectful posts, comments, and trolling and may lose their account after repeat offenses.
  • Our posting policy may change at any time