Great speech by John Nichols of the Nation:
Continue reading John Nichols at Stein HQ opening in Madison, WIjill stein
From the Green-Rainbow Party:
Vote in the Green-Rainbow Primary on “Super” Tuesday, March 6.
On March 6 you will have a chance to vote for peace, compassion, economic justice, women’s rights and environmental sanity. All you have to do is go to the polls and take a Green-Rainbow ballot. This opportunity is open to any voter who is registered in the Green-Rainbow Party or is un-enrolled (independent).
By taking a Green-Rainbow ballot, you’re saying no to politics as usual. You’ll be joining the growing number of voters who refuse to endorse bailouts, sellouts, negative advertising, trashing the environment, troop surges, attacks on Social Security and Medicare, piling college debt on students, state-sponsored assassinations, and sending American jobs overseas with ‘free trade’ treaties.
Continue reading Calling all Independent and Green-Rainbow voters in MassachusettsQ&A session following Stein’s “People’s State of the Union” address:
Continue reading Q&A with Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for PresidentTEXT: A People’s State of the Union: A Green New Deal for America
Presented by Dr. Jill E. Stein, Green Party presidential candidate, January 2012 ~
Good evening and thank you for this opportunity to talk with you tonight. We’re here to talk about the actual state of our nation, and how we can reclaim the promise of our democracy and the peaceful, just green future we deserve. We have heard President Obama deliver his State of the Union Address. And we heard the Republican response. Each claims to have the answer, and that the other was an obstacle to progress.
Continue reading A PEOPLE’S STATE OF THE UNION: A GREEN NEW DEAL FOR AMERICA[Here’s an update on what’s going on with the Green-Rainbow campaigns.]
November 2, 2010
Press Release – Jill Stein for Governor
Campaigning in Western Massachusetts today, Green-Rainbow gubernatorial candidate Jill Stein expressed confidence that her campaign was on the verge of achieving its critical goals – including setting up “a clean money political force that can challenge business-as-usual”. Stein is having a busy day, lending support to two Green-Rainbow candidates for state representative, Mark Miller and Scott Laugenour, who are mounting stiff challenges to entrenched Democratic Party incumbents in the 3rd and 4th Berkshire districts. “The groundswell of support for an alternative to the usual Beacon Hill incumbents is really exciting” said Stein. “This is a year in which people are looking for alternatives – and they are resonating to candidates that aren’t part of the big money machines. Miller and Laugenour are tapping into voters who have been unhappy with Beacon Hill for quite a while, but had nowhere to go. It’s a sign that the Green-Rainbow Party can step up to provide a progressive alternative to the Tea Party movement.”
Stein also had praise for Green-Rainbow candidate for State Auditor, Nat Fortune. “Despite an almost total lack of media attention – and exclusion from both print articles and television interviews – Nat is making a mark in the auditor race.”
Stein noted that a major goal of the Green-Rainbow Party is to have at least one statewide candidate poll above the 3 per cent threshold. That is required to avoid certain restrictive laws that apply to smaller parties. For example, while the Democratic Party is legally pouring millions of dollars into support for Deval Patrick, the entire Green-Rainbow Party is currently limited to donating no more than $500 to Jill Stein. Stein noted that Fortune would probably easily exceed the 3 percent threshold since he was currently polling at around 7 per cent. “We don’t live in the same democracy as the Democrats.” Stein explained. “But we’re about to eliminate one of the discriminatory barriers to limits our full participation in the electoral process.”
Stein has also raised the most money ever raised by a Green-Rainbow Candidate, and expects to finish the campaign with a total of over $150,000 being raised. “It’s small compared to the dollars being raked in by the machine candidates” Stein admits, “But we’re trying to show that a clean money campaign is possible. We’re making good use of a lean budget – which mostly means that we aren’t running those annoying 30-second television ads that make elections so expensive.”
As a matter of principal, Stein, along with other Green-Rainbow candidates, refuses to accept donations from registered lobbyists or from the officers of corporations that employ lobbyists. “The Green-Rainbow Party is trying to raise the standards.” Stein noted. “When you vote for one of our candidates, you can be assured that they haven’t sold out to the usual big money interests.”
Campaign manager Daryl Sprague said that Stein’s tour of Western Massachusetts was taking advantage of an outpouring of support in that part of the state. “There’s been an effective news blackout on Jill by the Boston Media Consortium” he explained. “The Boston Globe, WGBH, and NECN have been running stories about the ‘three major candidates’ and not even acknowledging that Jill is in the race. It’s refreshing to get outside of Boston and meet journalistic organizations that want to get the complete story and don’t pride themselves on controlling the dialogue to reflect their own prejudices. More objective press coverage is allowing us to poll 4 or 5 times higher out west. Voters there are hearing about all their choices, and this lets them discover that the Green-Rainbow candidates are the ones that best reflect their values.”
Stein plans to vote in Lexington at 6:30pm and end her day with an address to supporters at 9pm at her Dorchester campaign office. Her Lieutenant Governor running mate, Rick Purcell, will join State Auditor candidate Nat Fortune at a victory party in Holyoke. Miller and Laugenour will host a victory party in Lee.
Continue reading IN FINAL PUSH, STEIN NEARS SUCCESS ON KEY GOALSTomorrow, citizens all over the country will be heading for the polls to cast votes for Congress as well as any number of state and local races. This election is being called a historic election by some and I believe will be historic indeed. I only hope that after the election both parties will be able to find a way to work together so we can get our country back on track.
In Massachusetts the people will be electing a new governor as well as all of the other constitutional offices. I am casting my ballot for the candidates from the Massachusetts Green Party. I realize that there is not much of a chance that they will win, but I believe we need more voices from an independent third party and the Massachusetts Green Party has the clearest voice for change in this election. If enough people vote Green tomorrow the voice will be heard loud and clear.
Here are some of my reasons for voting Green tomorrow:
Just received my google-alerts and found this great Boston Globe piece on the Governor’s race. As usual, Jill Stein is the only one who makes any sense and has a clear picture of not only what is wrong in Massachusetts, but how to make it right:
Continue reading The Boston Globe offers up Jill Stein’s best proposals.I love to watch video of the goings on across the state. Very interesting to hear these perspectives, and to see so many willing to get involved; so many willing to vote their values and do the work to change the course of this state, and by example, our country.
I am so irritated by the continued downplay in the media of Jill’s candidacy. I can’t believe that Charles Gibson asked Jill about the “spoiler” effect. What a loser. From my perspective, the only spoilers in this race are Deval Patrick, Charlie Baker, and Tim Cahill. If they would just get out of the way, we could make this state work for the people who live here, not just the corporations who usurp our tax dollars and bank the bucks. We could have affordable healthcare for all and green energy creating jobs and clean air. We could get our lives back.
I think Jill has picked up plenty of support over the last months. It’s high time for the people to stop and think while they are in that voting booth. I want them to see Jill Stein’s name, finally say they’ve had enough and vote with courage instead of fear.
Continue reading “I Like Her Politics”Here is the text of Jill Stein’s op-ed in The Boston Globe today. As usual, she cuts straight to the point and tells it like it is. Let’s head on over there and show our support for her courage in leading the charge for better communities and a better life for all of us.
Continue reading Jill Stein’s op-ed in The Boston Globe October 17, 2010I am impressed with Jill Stein’s commitment to education reform. Her understanding of the issues and her positions for change come from the consideration of the human condition, instead of from the “how to” section of the Wall Street Journal. The current leadership, both state and federal, are going in the wrong direction to resolve the issues that create so much failure and not enough success. If Jill Stein can get her message out loud and clear to communities across the state, I have a feeling she will win a lot of support from not only the educators but parents as well. I hope that she will speak strong and often about this issue.
Continue reading Can Jill Stein gain teacher and parent support through her positions on education?