WASHINGTON, DC — The Green Party of the United States congratulates Australian Greens (http://greens.org.au) on their ‘greenslide’ in Australia’s parliamentary elections on Saturday, August 21. Preliminary results show the Greens will take ten seats in the Australian House of Representatives and Senate.
“The Australian Greens’ impressive totals follow on the election of Caroline Lucas, the first Green to Parliament in the UK, in May,” said Julia Willebrand, candidate for New York State Comptroller (http://www.juliaforcomptroller.com) and member of the Green Party’s International Committee (http://www.gp.org/committees/intl). “It’s only a matter of time before the first Green is elected to the US Congress. We need a shock to the two-party status quo in America, the kind of shock we’re seeing now in Australia.”
“When we get some Greens in Congress in the US, we’ll see an enormous change in the direction of America — a change for the better, since Democrats and Republicans will no longer take their exclusive control over US politics and government for granted. Like Australia and the UK, Americans will have legislators from a party dedicated to human needs, human rights, and the health of our planet,” Ms. Willebrand added.
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