With all of the talk about the outsourcing of jobs overseas, Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, ridiculous health care costs and the many other issues that plague our economy, our ultimate problem can really be summed up to the disastrous income inequality situation we face in this country. We always hear that it’s too many taxes, or too much regulation, or some other nefarious enemy that makes the problem someone else’s fault. Here lies the truth about what is going on in our country that is literally destroying it day by day. The job outsourcing, tax cuts for the wealthy, and health insurance costs, etc are simply the methods for which the income gap can sustain itself and grow. Yet still, the media and our government rarely question the use of these tools by the powerful entities in our country. Some briefly condemn, then never do anything about it; others blatantly support such tactics as the American way and the patriotic thing to do. It is never ever mentioned that in order for the most influential businesses and top earning individuals to succeed in these epic proportions, there has to be those who must lose in order to subsidize the wealth of the mighty top 2 %. The money has to come from somewhere. In today’s America, it is the working middle class that reluctantly supports and is forced to contribute to the epic wealth of biggest corporations and the top 2%.
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