1 Comment

  1. michael horan

    Hmmm. How about, “…and that everyone who works for GMG should be able to make a living wage?”

    Only joking. We’re opinion-spouters, and if we weren’t on here some of us would be opinionizing on streetcorners, barstools, and you-name it. The folks at OpenMedia Boston are the real deal, and the model–street-level reporting, editorial comment that’s sane, non-partisan, yet missing from the MSM, and open comment threads along with invitations to post front-page material–really is, or should be, the future, as mainstream print media goes down. (And they’re not just a “chorus,” of course–just like GMG, dissent is welcome). If you want cooperative, relocalized, and grassroots–there ya go. We all can’t write, but we be can be part of a cooperative effort by donating what we can.

    Because as ad-driven print does go down, too many of us out here expect to get our media for free, forgetting that somewhere along the line somebody else has to eat. There are plenty of solo-bloggers–god bless us–who fund our editorial efforts  with the occasional pitch for a donation via a paypal link, but if you want quality coverage, that’s no way to run it.

    Some you probably donate to NPR etc. With all due respect to WBUR and other affiliates, what OpenMedia Boston is doing is infinitely more critical (and I’ll be the first to admit that I find NPR stodgy, cute, and dull–Ira Glass, Terri Gross and more than a few others bore me to death). OMB doesn’t rely on syndicated content, they can get much much closer to home, and it’s damn doubtful they’re going to get any corporate or government funding (so far as I’m concerned,NPR/PBS IS mainstream media (e.g., Juan Williams, etc). And, too, consider that little matter of the close-knit debate-consortia that NPR/PBS is part of–I have no doubt that OMB will continue to provide the kind of excellent coverage they’ve already given to “outlier” campaigns, Grace Ross’ as well as Jill Stein’s–and I expect to see that same treatment accorded other third-party, independent, and rebellious candidates within the mainstream parties.  

    So when you make your regular donation to “alternative” media sources–consider the REAL alternative!

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