1. Republican Ram Rod Radio

    Were you able to figure out what they were saying?  I couldn’t tell because IT WAS 5 MINUTES OF SLOWMOTION VIDEO masked with an audio track.  Would have been nice to hear what these people had to say.  

  2. thegreengrass

    Young people sick of the idea that for the rest of their lives, money is going to going to play a bigger role in determining who runs the country than at any time in the previous 235 years of this country’s history? Standing up for principles they might actually believe in, instead of just going along with how the older generation says young people should act? That isn’t class warfare. Unless the Tea Party is class warfare too.

    But I assume you don’t believe that, and that you choose only see things through the conflict-colored lenses that 90% of Republicans seem to see the world through. Everything is “war” with conservatives. War and hatred.

    If you wanna see videos of people saying stuff, check out a site called Google. It’s good stuff.

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