
Jill is as friendly, dynamic, and well-spoken as I could have hoped for. Her campaign team is as organized, determined, and thirsty for victory as any political machine could ever build itself to be. Her core group of supporters are intelligent, dedicated, and ready to put in the hours to make this campaign happen. And, ladies and gentlemen, let’s not forget that JILL IS ON THE BALLOT.

In her remarks yesterday on the steps of the State House and on a conference call Tuesday night, Jill and her campaign organizers made it clear that this is not just a victory for her campaign; this is confirmation of a job well done for the volunteers who made it all possible, a step forward for the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts, and the beginning of a massive grassroots movement to bring power back to the people of Massachusetts.

Continue reading Onward and Upward

Everyone knows that third party candidates have a rough time in the media, if not for the fact that outlets who favor Democrats or Republicans don’t like third parties, then simply because they think people are uninterested in hearing about them. And anyone who’s interested in seeing third parties do well in elections knows that this is somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy; news outlets don’t adequately cover third-party candidates, meaning fewer people hear about them, which in turn means that not many people end up voting for them on election day. We all know this to be an intrinsic reality of our democracy, but I’m staring at this first-hand, right now, and we all need to see it.  

Continue reading This is how negative feedback in politics works