(Not addressed  to GRP loyalists, but to my lovesick Demecratic friends)

Help me out. Some of you have been in situations like these.

This isn’t about me. It’s about … a friend’s situation. Of course.

So: imagine you’re in love. The kind that only comes once in a life time: stars in your eyes, clouds at your feet; rainbow and unicorns on the dreariest of Monday mornings, the scent of musk, cognac, and opium in the bedroom every night.

The guy–make it a woman if you’re so inclined–is in so many ways everything you wished for. He’s good looking, a snappy dresser, has a great smile, your friends can’t believe you landed him, and you’re not ashamed to bring him home to dinner. He’s wicked smart, but he doesn’t put on any airs about it–just not his style. He has a great job, knows his way around limos and private jets, hobnobs with the occasional celebrity. Does it possiby get any better than this?

Continue reading Seeking Advice for the Lovelorn

There’s a somewhat lengthy piece by Euegene Goodheart in the summer issue of Dissent–“Obama On and Off Base”–that’s well worth reading. Goodheart makes the case that far from selling out his liberal base, the President is operating as efficiently as he can within the the constraints (from constitutional to political) his administration faces, and has some genuine accomplishments to boast of–not, actually, a bad record for a president in his third year. I think it’s well worth reading for those who don’t understand why we don’t have single-payer, why Copenhagen went so terribly wrong, why enough isn’t being done in terms of economic stimulus. In any case, the historical comparisons to (and contrasts with) Lincoln and Roosevelt are insightful and rewarding.

There’s a disingenuous element here, too, however, in that the author, focusing pretty much entirely on domestc policy issues, doesn’t touch on military spending or the wars–two items that, to my mind, threaten the well-being being of the republic more than most anything else. The president doesn’t require supermajorities to drastically alter US involvement in Iraq and Af-Pak; when it comes to his status as Commander-in-Chief, he need accede to no powerful Senator nor fear a filibuster. In fact, a growing number of congresspeople and senators are pushing de-involvement, and there does exist a VERY broad colaition, which includes paleo-cons, who would vociferously support withdrawal. Unfortunately, standard-issue Dems are reluctant to criticize the President on this most critical of issues–the election of Obama was the single worst thing that could have hapened to what there was of an antiwar movement, as we got, not “Bush Lite,” but but Bush squared–and a movement that decided to castrate itself in obesiance.

I have no idea how to rescuscitate that movement, but I’m open to suggestions.

Continue reading Obama, here—and there

GRP Candidates Unanimously Support Bill and Decry Legislative Inaction

The Green-Rainbow Party calls on the Massachusetts Legislature to adopt, without delay, “An Act to stabilize neighborhoods” (H 4595, a.k.a. “the foreclosure bill”). As summarized by City Life/Vida Urbana & MAAPL, the bill

“…would prevent foreclosing banks from evicting tenants `no-fault’ in buildings banks own after foreclosure. The law would only affect foreclosing banks, not subsequent owners. The proposed law would not require state funding. It will help homeowners facing foreclosure by making banks make a good faith offer for a loan modification to prevent foreclosure or the bank will have to wait an additional 60 days up to a total of 150 days before it can foreclosure. This will provide incentives for more good faith negotiation by banks.”

The legislation will also make mortgage fraud a criminal action and assist localities in rehabilitating foreclosed properties.

Continue reading Green-Rainbow Party Urges Passage of Foreclosure Bill, Endorses Vigil Action

…and pass h.4595, “An Act to stabilize neighborhoods?” The Senate passed the damn thing months ago–UNANIMOUSLY!!!–as it’s a NO-COST to the taxpayers, common-sense bill that actually affords real protection to those being screwed by our infinitely mismanaged economy.

(NB: the legislative session ends on JULY 31!!!)

We’re looking at around 12,000  

Continue reading With all due respect, will the legislature please get off its fat ass


“We don’t give you very much,” the Republican state senator candidly told the people of Tolland on July 10, standing with the Democratic incumbent representative of the 4th Berkshire District on the podium.  It was unclear if he was talking specifically about the FY 2011 budget that had been approved on June 24 or if he was speaking generally about business as usual in the legislature.  The town was celebrating its 200th birthday and the mood of the day was festive.  If the senator was looking for a laugh, the humor was lost on many.

Democrats are not in a position to counter the statement.  They’re in control.  The official Massachusetts Democratic Party line, which has been dutifully repeated by incumbents and loyalists, is that there’s nothing that can be done about the painful cuts in the budget.  But even as the incumbent legislature and Governor perpetuate an unfair tax system and cut essential services and local aid,  they also continue the wasteful give-aways and tax breaks for large campaign donors.  Currently in legislative conference committee are proposals to enact new corporate tax reductions of over $140 million/year, on top of the $1.4+ billion in many other give-aways that are routinely renewed.  Some of us are feeling the pain.  Others are getting a free ride.  It’s a deliberate choice.

Meanwhile, recent headlines in the Boston Globe (July 23, 2010) report a 25% increase in personal bankruptcy filings in Massachusetts.


Continue reading NEW BUDGET PRIORITIES: A Candidate’s Call