CONTACTS: Michaelann Bewsee, 413-734-4948 or 413-455-3829 and Meg  

Sheehan, 508-259-9154

PRESS CONFERENCE: Wednesday June 9, 4:40 p.m., informational session  

4:15 to 5:30 p.m.

WHERE: Springfield, MA, Pynchon Park on the corner of State and  Chestnut Streets, next to the main branch of the Springfield Library  

immediately prior to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental  Protection’s hearing on the Global Warming Solutions Act.

WHO:  Stop Toxic Incineration In Springfield, Arise for Social  Justice, Concerned Citizens of Russell, The Enviro Show, Stop Spewing  

Carbon Campaign, Massachusetts Forest Watch, Pioneer Valley  Preservation Coalition, Concerned Citizens of Franklin County,  Students for a Just and Stable Society and McKnight Neighborhood  

Council in Springfield.

A coalition of health, social justice, and environmental groups  is  letting the state and federal governments know that biomass  

incinerators are not a climate change solution but make are a public  health and climate disaster and the state should not be promoting them.

“Giving taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies to incinerators that burn  trees and garbage is not a “global warming solution” but a health and  

climate disaster” said Meg Sheehan, Chair of the Stop Spewing Carbon  Ballot Question Committee. “Incinerators are not “green” energy.  The  

five incinerators proposed for the area will emit pollutants such as  mercury and dioxin, some of the most toxic chemicals known to  science.  They will give us only 1% more electricity but add 11% more  carbon dioxide to the air.” Sheehan said.

Continue reading Activists Protest Biomass Incinerators at State Global Warming Hearing in Springfield

The following is from OpenMedia Boston. I’ve seen Ms. Mai’s work, and she is not only a TERRIFIC photographer–she shows up. We complain about our non-access to mainstream media–here’s a chance to support the best alterna media channel in Boston. HIT THE LINK AT END for how to help.


Last week our ace staff photographer Diana Mai had all her camera equipment (and a Dell laptop) stolen from her Mission Hill apartment.  

Continue reading We, The Media III: A Media Cause Deserving of Your Immediate Support

National Popular Vote – A Voting Reform to Support

“Politics should be local, and with the passage of this reform presidential politics in Massachusetts will be local.”

The Massachusetts House plans a debate this week on a voting reform which I support, known as “National Popular Vote” (NPV).  The incumbent in the 4th Berkshire District co-sponsored this legislation in the last legislative session (H660 in January 2009), it eventually passed in the House but stalled in the Senate. I urge the incumbent to join me in support of it again during this session, and to join me in educating voters on why this reform is worth supporting.

Continue reading Voting Reform – A Candidate’s Statement