
Coming from the Financial Times, this seems to be quite an important, well, admission. Jeremy Rifkin lays out an interesting case that our civilization is on its deathbed, on life support, and that revolutions in both technology and consciousness are necessary for our resuscitation.

I think he fails to recognize — or at least include in his analysis — the paradigm shift that will define our species’ salvation, which is, in my opinion, a shift away from economic growth and towards a steady-state ecologically-grounded economy. The biosphere consciousness that he talks about will necessitate this. This is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism, and I wonder if his new book dances with this and this Financial Times article simply side-steps it.

What’s YOUR take?

Jeremy Rifkin (Financial Times)

Towards The Empathic Civilization. We Are On the Verge of a Shift to Biosphere Consciousness

The global economy has shattered. The fossil fuels that propelled an industrial revolution are running out and the infrastructure built with these energies is barely clinging to life. Worse, more than two centuries of rising carbon emissions now threaten us with catastrophic climate change.

Continue reading Towards The Empathic Civilization