Green-Rainbow Convention: Jill Stein, Howie Hawkins, & Ajamu Baraka

GREEN-RAINBOW PARTY 2019: A GREEN NEW DEAL FOR PEACE, JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY  ATTEND THE 2019 GRP PARTY CONVENTION 5/18 Join the uprising for an American & World political party that works for all of us! Build on MLK’S struggle to stop the triple evils of militarism, racism, and unbridled materialism at the grass-roots level. All are …

Continue reading Green-Rainbow Party Convention May 18 in Worcester

Green Party Response to Democrats' Green New Deal

Today, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined with Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey to announce non-binding Green New Deal legislation that would strive to “achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers” and “create millions of good, high-wage jobs.” The Green Party of the U.S. issued this response.

Continue reading Green Party Response to Democrats’ Green New Deal

Build a new model

OK, I’ll admit it, the question of whether to resist or to build is a false choice. It is clear that we must, in Donald Trump’s Amerikkka, do both.

But where do we focus our resources, our energy, our vision? Where do we focus our efforts? And where do the various emergent people’s movements focus theirs? How do they intersect? What are their diverse purposes? And how can we find synergy between efforts? Is it through resistance alone, or is there an overlapping vision of a just, democratic, and sustainable world that we can work toward together?

Continue reading To resist, or to build?